Ankit Kanojiya

Access - Hack The Box

Access was a quick and fun box where we had to look for credentials in an Access database then use the credentials to decrypt a PST file. Kali Linux has some tools that let us read those two file t...

Zipper - Hack The Box

Zipper was a cool box that mixed some enumeration, API usage and a priv esc using a SUID binary. I had some problems at first getting into Zabbix when I found a possible username but didnโ€™t think o...

Giddy - Hack The Box

Giddy from Hack the Box is being retired this week so Iโ€™ll go over the steps to pwn this box. For this one we need to find an easy SQL injection point in the web application then leverage this to t...

Ypuffy - Hack The Box

Ypuffy is being retired this weekend, so itโ€™s time to do another writeup. I think this is the only OpenBSD machine so far on Hack the Box. The initial user part was not really difficult and involve...

Secnotes - Hack The Box

This blog post is a writeup of the Hack the Box SecNotes machine from 0xdf. Windows / Summary The box runs a PHP application on an IIS server. There is a 2nd order SQL injecti...

Mischief - Hack The Box

This blog post is a writeup of the Mischief machine from Hack the Box using the unintended LXC container privesc method. Linux / Summary SNMP is enabled and the default public ...

Waldo - Hack The Box

Linux / This blog post is a writeup of the Waldo machine from Hack the Box. Summary The webserver has a vulnerable function that can be used to browse directories and read file...

Active - Hack The Box

Windows / This blog post is a writeup for Active from Hack the Box. Summary Thereโ€™s a GPP file with user credentials on the replication share of the DC which we can can crack ...

Hawk - Hack The Box

Linux / This blog post is a quick writeup of Hawk from Hack the Box. Summary The server is running an FTP server, a Drupal website and an H2 database (which is not accessible ...

Smasher - Hack The Box

Linux / This blog post is a writeup of the excellent Hack the Box machine created by dzonerzy. Summary The webserver used is vulnerable to a path traversal bug and buffer overfl...